DHD 566 – Introduction to Microcontrollers in Assistive Technology
Note: If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of the course by using Student Self-Service.

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DHD 566 – Introduction to Microcontrollers in Assistive Technology
College/Department: College of Applied Health Sciences – Disability and Human Development
Program: Assistive Technology Certificate Program
Dates: 1/13/25 – 3/15/25
Credits: 2 graduate semester credit hours
Tuition/Fees: $530 per semester credit hour tuition.
Comments: This course is part of the Department of Disability and Human Development’s Certificate in Assistive Technology. Although you do not have to be a participant in the certificate program to take this course, students interested in applying it towards the Certificate in Assistive Technology are encouraged to visit the department’s website. There, you can find information about applying for the program as well as information about the courses that are part of the certificate. You can also reach the department by phone at (312) 413-1647 (voice) or (312) 413-0453 (TTY).
Description: In the spirit of DIY projects, this class will introduce you to the use of entry level electronics utilizing microcontrollers such as the Arduino and Uno boards. You’ll be guided in constructing projects with an Assistive Technology focus. Project options include making an adaptive switch to operate a computer game, creating an alternate input control for accessing the computer and/or building a basic EADL/ECU control. No previous experience with microcontrollers required only a proficiency with using a computer is needed.
Prerequisites: Course offered to Graduate ONLY
Textbook: For textbook information contact the instructor at hooyenga@uic.edu
Audit Option: No
Instructor(s): Kathy Hooyenga
Location: This course meets online asynchronous.
Schedule: This course meets online asynchronous.
Enrollment Deadline: Two weeks prior to the first class
This course is a regular UIC campus course (listed in the UIC Schedule of Classes) in which a limited number of seats is available for continuing education students. If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of that course by using Student Self-Service.