EPSY 453: Educational Programming and Community Relations for Leaders in Early Childhood Education
Note: If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of the course by using Student Self-Service.

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EPSY 453: Educational Programming and Community Relations for Leaders in Early Childhood Education
College/Department: College of Education, Department of Educational Psychology
Program: Illinois Director Credential
Dates: 1/13/25 – 5/2/25
Credits: 3 graduate semester credit hours
Tuition/Fees: $530 per semester credit hour tuition.
Description: Designed for directors and managers in early childhood programs. Focuses on development and implementation of a program philosophy, curriculum for typically and atypically developing children; and promoting a positive image to the public.
Textbook: For textbook information contact the instructor at kkull@uic.edu
Audit Option: No
Instructor(s): Kimberly Kull
Location: This course meets online.
Schedule: This course meets online asynchronous
Enrollment Deadline: Up to first day of the course.