EPSY 494 Special Topic in Educational Psychology: Coaching in Early Childhood Education

Note: If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of the course by using Student Self-Service.

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EPSY 494 Special Topic in Educational Psychology: Coaching in Early Childhood Education

College/Department: College of Education, Department of Educational Psychology

Credits: 3 graduate or undergraduate semester credit hours

Tuition/Fees: $530 per semester credit hour tuition.

Description: This is a course designed to support early childhood site based mentors participating in the Illinois Early Childhood Apprenticeship Pilot Program.  Key topics covered include reflective supervision, coaching novice and experienced teachers, and assessment of key competencies observed in practice.

Textbook: For textbook information contact the instructors at

Audit Option: No


Location: This course meets online.

Schedule:  This course meets online synchronously Thursday 6pm-7:30pm

Enrollment Deadline: Up to first day of the course.

Enrollment Policies and FAQs

Registration is currently closed. Contact us for more information.