BPS 542 – Pharmacodynamics of Substance Abuse
Note: If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of the course by using Student Self-Service.

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BPS 542 – Pharmacodynamics of Substance Abuse
College/Department: College of Pharmacy – Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dates: 1/13/20 – 5/1/20
Credits: 2 graduate semester credit hours
Tuition/Fees: $486 per semester credit hour tuition.
Amount due from student: $0.00 (this is a fully funded program, only students identified will be allowed to enroll)
Description: This course focuses on the mechanisms of action, responses, and pharmacokinetics and dependence factors of substance abuse. Emphasis will be placed on research strategies in studying the biological aspects of drug abuse.
Prerequisites: Course offered to Graduate ONLY; Consent of the instructor and a course in basic pharmacology.
Textbook: For textbook information, please e-mail the instructor at schlemm@uic.edu.
Audit Option: No
Instructor(s): Francis R. Schlemmer & Karl Larsen
Location: Illinois State Police students will participate via videoconference.
Schedule: Monday 1:30 PM To 3:20 PM
Classes will not be held during UIC Spring Break.
Enrollment Deadline: Two weeks prior to the first class
If you are a regularly admitted UIC student and wish to enroll in this course, you must enroll in the campus section of that course by using Student Self-Service.